The Savannah Buccaneers strive to be about more than just basketball. We are engulfed with the desire to serve the Coastal Georgia region through our resources, volunteering, youth programs, and partnerships.
Mack Academy will provide age appropriate skills sessions for youth basketball players from 3rd grade and up. Our Skills curriculum with feature a break down of all aspects of basketball including ball handling, shooting, and play making.
In partnership with the Coastal Georgia Buccaneers the Mack Academy will provide mentorship to youth and young adults. Our mentorship program will promote life skills, independence, and overall support to our adolescent community.
Whether you're an adult trying to stay in shape or a young aspiring hooper looking to enhance your game. Our leagues will service ages from 3rd grade to Adults.
Nothing like a good comprehensive camp. Our Mack Academy Camps will be a combination of FUN, COMPETITIVE, and EDUCATIONAL.
We are always in need of assistance to help our vision of service come to life. If you feel lead to bless us do not hesitate to click the link below.